
Klien HXP

In order for an application to call procedures in a remote application and receive the requested data, it should have an Klien HXP created and installed.

Creating a client

Creating a Klien HXP is very easy and straightforward by using a ready made library. Below is an explanation on how to create a basic Klien HXP based on the Incutio IXR library for the php programming language. Other libraries for other languages should have similar methods for creating the client.

Basic Client Construction

Klien HXP based on IXR library allows you to make requests to HXP servers using the IXR_Client class. Before you make a connection you will need to know the host, path and port of the HXP server you wish to communicate with, and know which method on the server you wish to access. The HXP methods are listed in the Procedure Call Dictionary (HXP-PCD) which is published for public use. You can see the published Dictionaries here.

First you will need to create an IXR_Client object. You must supply the details of the server you wish to connect to when you create the object, either as a URL or as a hostname, path and port:

// Specifying a HXP server by URL (port 80 is assumed):
$client = new IXR_Client('http://www.care2x.net/foundry/modules/hxp/server.php');

// Specifying a HXP server by host, path and port
$client = new IXR_Client('www.care2x.net', '/foundry/modules/hxp/server.php', 80);

The next step is to make your HXP call using the query() method. The method accepts a HXP procedure name with a variable number of arguments, which will be passed to the HXP server along with the request. The query() method returns true or false depending on whether or not your request has been successful. Should your request fail the getErrorCode and getErrorMessage methods will usually provide a more detailed explanation of what went wrong.

// Create the header and supply the username and password

// Create the PID of the person for the second argument

if (!$client->query('Person.Basic', $header, $PID)) {
    die('Something went wrong - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage());

Presuming the method was successful, you can access the data returned by the HXP server using the getResponse() method. This will return a single value or an array of values, depending on the data structure returned by the server.

echo $client->getResponse();

So far, so good. Now let's try for something a bit more complicated. The care2x.net has set up an example HXP server that interfaces with Care2x HIS, an integrated hospital information system. Let's see what it knows about the person with a PID (Person Identifier) of 10000000.

We want to see only some of the basic data of the person and after scanning the Procedure Call Dictionary we found the Person.Basic to be the proper procedure name for the purpose. (A sample code for Python language can be seen here)
// Create the client object
$client = new IXR_Client('http://www.care2x.net/foundry/modules/hxp/server.php');

// Create the header and supply the username and password

// Create the PID of the person for the second argument

// Run a query for PHP
if (!$client->query('Person.Basic', $header, $PID)) {
    die('Something went wrong - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage());

// Get the result
$response = $client->getResponse();

// Display the result
echo '<TABLE BORDER=0>';
while(list($x,$v) = each($response)){
	echo '<TR><TD>'.$x.'</TD><TD>'.$v.'</TD></TR>';
echo '</TABLE>';

You should see something that looks like this:
 pid   10000000
 title   Lord
 name_first   Coon
 name_last   Ty
 name_2   William
 name_middle   Heinrich
 name_others   James Gone
 date_birth   2003-12-31
 sex   m
 addr_str   New Hamshire
 addr_str_nr   54
 addr_zip   5456
 addr_citytown_nr   1

So far, everything looks fine. We were able to get the basic data of the person using our previous knowledge of his PID number. Now, let's say we do not know any PID numbers at all. What should we do? Well, we can try listing the persons available. After consulting the Procedure Call Dictionary (PCD), we found the Person.List procedure name.

// Create the client object
$client = new IXR_Client('http://www.care2x.net/foundry/modules/hxp/server.php');

// Create the header and supply the username and password

// Run a query for PHP
if (!$client->query('Person.List', $header)) {
    die('Something went wrong - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage());

// Get the result
$response = $client->getResponse();

// Display the result
echo '<TABLE BORDER=0>';

echo "<TR>
	<TD> PID </TD>
	<TD> Family name </TD>
	<TD> First name </TD>
	<TD> Date of birth </TD>
	<TD> Zip </TD>
	<TD> Sex </TD>
	<TD> Death date </TD>
	<TD> Record status </TD>
while(list($x,$v) = each($response)){
	echo "<TR>";
	while(list($y, $z) = each($v)){
		echo '<TD>'.$v.'</TD>';
	echo "</TR>";

echo '</TABLE>';

Now, you should see something that looks like this:
 PID   Family name   First name   Date of birth   Zip   Sex   Death date   Record status 
 10000000   Ty   Coon   2004-01-12   m   5456   0000-00-00   normal 
 10000001   test   test   2002-12-01   m   12345   0000-00-00   normal 
 10000002   becker   walter   1966-04-05   m   2222   0000-00-00   normal 
 10000003   Khan   Zamir   1972-03-02   m   46445456   0000-00-00   normal 
 10000004   Caballero   pepe   1978-10-12   m   35567   0000-00-00   normal 
 10000005   HXP   Client   2002-03-01   m   Z9993   0000-00-00   normal 
 10000006   Khan   Anuar   1977-07-23   m   435895   0000-00-00   normal 

Header arguments and authentication data

Each procedure call requires a compulsory heading argument as the first parameter (shown as the $header variable on the above examples). This parameter is an indexed array (RPC's struct) and must contain by default the following keys and data:
usr Username
pw Password
emergency (integer) 1
(If the call is done in "emergency". Can be left unset in normal cases.)
When the header argument is missing, the query will receive an error code 1000 and the error message "_ERROR_AUTH_BADHEADER".

By default, the "emergency" key can be either left unset or set to the 0 value or empty character.

lang Language code
sid session ID
version HXP version (e.g. 1.0, 1.0.3)
The availability of the optional keys can be detected either on the fly or during configuration by using the following system procedure calls:
If the key is supported by the remote application, the query should receive the value of integer 1.

Other keys and data may have been added to the remote application according to the its design but these are not considered standard and should be properly documented and published. It is always important to consult the documentation of the remote HXP server. To be on the safe side, it is good to use only the published standard keys.

Debugging with IXR library

Should you need to debug your client procedure calls at any time you can do so with the debug flag:

$client = new IXR_Client('http://www.care2x.net/foundry/modules/hxp/server.php');

$client->debug = true;

// Create the header and supply the username and password

if (!$client->query('Person.Basic', $header, 10000000)) {
    die('Something went wrong - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage());

With the debug flag turned on, IXR_Client will display the full contents of all outgoing and incoming HXP messages.

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