Displaying all available images of an encounter
The following client script will request the remote server to return a list
of all available URL of an encounter's images. The script will display the images. (Pls. scroll down)
Select an encounter number from the list and press "Start demo".
// Load the library
// Create the client and connect to the remote server
$client = new IXR_Client('');
// Create the header and supply the username and password
$header['usr'] = 'hxp';
$header['pw'] = 'hxp';
// Create the encounter number e.g. from the HTTP POST or GET variable or hard code it here
$enc = $HTTP_GET_VARS['enc'];
// Call the remote procedure
if (!$client->query('EMR.Image.URL.List', $header, $enc)){
// If error, show info
echo ('An error occured - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage();
$imgs= $client->getResponse();
echo "<img src=\"$v\"> ";
Select an encounter number from the list and press "Start demo".