Search for person(s) based on a supplied keyword
The following client script will request the remote server to search for person(s) based on a keyword that you supply and return a list
of matching person with very basic personal data (family/first names, DOB and sex). The script will
display the resulting list on a table. (Pls. scroll down)
Enter a keyword for searching e.g. family or first name or their first few characters Note: if the search does not find a match, an error message will be returned and displayed.
// Load the library
// Create the client and connect to the remote server
$client = new IXR_Client('');
// Create the header and supply the username and password
$header['usr'] = 'hxp';
$header['pw'] = 'hxp';
$keyword = $HTTP_GET_VARS['key'],
// Call the remote procedure
if (!$client->query('Person.Search', $header, $keyword)){
// If error, show info
echo ('An error occured - '.$client->getErrorCode().' : '.$client->getErrorMessage();
// Get the result
$response = $client->getResponse();
// Display the result
echo '<TABLE BORDER=0>';
echo "<TR>
<TD> PID </TD>
<TD> Family name </TD>
<TD> First name </TD>
<TD> Date of birth </TD>
<TD> Sex </TD>
while(list($x,$v) = each($response)){
echo "<TR>";
while(list($y, $z) = each($v)){
echo '<TD>'.$v.'</TD>';
echo "</TR>";
echo '</TABLE>';
Enter a keyword for searching e.g. family or first name or their first few characters Note: if the search does not find a match, an error message will be returned and displayed.